Renewable Resources Consulting
Imagine that you are about to invest $50 million in a new scaled-up biofuels and green chemicals manufacturing facility.
Are you certain that you can control by-products and fouling as well as in the laboratory? The portfolio of expertise available at Petrogenium helps you to avoid pitfalls and delays in scale up and implementation for these maturing technologies and to make the right decisions.

Colin Schaverien
Practice Lead Renewable Resources
This is a typical example of what we can help you with: from seemingly small problems to major investment decisions and improvement programs. Petrogenium supports clients to realise renewables and sustainability. As your technical and business solutions service provider, we play a partnering role in helping you to identify value propositions and to succeed during the intensifying energy transition.
Our services in the renewable resources business are based on experience and knowledge obtained in one of the most innovative international oil and resources companies in the world. We work with biomass, biofuels, biorefining, green chemicals, solar, and wind.
In mature industries such as oil refining we focus on energy efficiency, emission to atmosphere, and integration of renewables.
Our renewable resource services
Our clients benefit from:
– Our overview of best practices from decades of asset operation in the refining and petrochemicals industry. This provides clients with immense cross-industry synergies.
– Our multidisciplinary expertise: biofuels, catalysis, refining processes, corrosion, fouling, and metallurgy. This enables clients to accelerate the maturation of renewable resource project technology, scale-up and implementation.
– Our expert, independent technology assessment and technical due diligence. This assists all parties involved (private equity, venture capitalists, financial institutions, consultancies, and start-up and technology companies) in making well-informed investment decisions.
Our services include:
– ‘Roadmap to market’ support (from lab to commercial unit) Technology assessment and technical due diligence
– Analysis of existing processes and products and advise on improvements
– Support investment decisions and value engineering of renewable energy, fuels and chemicals processes:
a. Quick scan and in-depth techno-economical assessment
b. Feed, co-product and product pricing, valuation and supply chain design support
c. Investment planning through deployment pipeline: ‘investment decision support