
LNG Energy Transition Training Course

Workshop facilitator: Jannes Regterschot

This Petrogenium workshop explores the impact of the Energy Transition on the LNG Business, and specifically on LNG Export Facilities including the LNG markets they service. The main objective is to raise the awareness for the changes and actions needed due to the Energy Transition and to lay out the next step in the process which is the definition of an implementation strategy. The interactive workshop will first set the context for how the decarbonization drive may affect the LNG business and assets. We will assess the emissions from LNG production, the need to reduce these emissions, and deal with the options to decarbonise LNG plants. The workshop will take a global perspective on the LNG business, brainstorm the future of the LNG market and lay out the next step of how to define a decarbonization strategy for your own production facility. To make the workshop most meaningful to the client’s situation, it will to some extent be tailored to the geographic location of the production facilities and the main markets served.


The course is meant for LNG facility management and staff that will be involved in business and facility changes needed to decarbonise the LNG production chain. This potentially covers employees of a wide range of backgrounds, varying from the various technical orientations to strategic, legal, marketing, project and commercial staff. Decarbonizing LNG production will not only mean a significant change to current operation, but also the marketing of a greener product and achieving longer term sustainability and profitability.

Learning Objectives

  • Being aware of the context of global warming and the drive for LNG GHG emission reductions.
  • Understanding the classification into scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions.
  • Identify emissions from your own LNG production facilities and the full LNG production chain and assess their contribution to global warming.
  • Identify and evaluate options to decarbonize the production at your LNG production facilities.
  • Gain an insight in the various drivers for GHG emission reduction, ranging from governmental, marketing, commercial, reputational to existential.
  • Define the next step of how to come to a strategy and transformation for decarbonising your LNG production chain, considering the various stages of project development and implementation.

Specific Considerations

To allow fine-tuning to the client’s situation it is required to receive upfront information regarding the specific client operation. The client should therefore identify a person in its organisation that will act as client focal point for Petrogenium and ensure an efficient workshop preparation.


Day 1
  • Kick off, introductions, course objectives and expectations
  • Climate change and international actions on GHG emissions
  • Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions for your production facilities
  • Defining the case for change
Day 2
  • Modifications to LNG export facilities to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions
  • Renewable fuels and anticipated changes in the future Gas/LNG market
  • Next step of developing decarbonization strategic options and their implementation
  • Recap and workshop closure

The actual contents and coverage of the workshop are flexible and will be adjusted and fine-tuned to customer needs.