Day 1: Michael Conway Nunn
Oil Movements – 1
- Introduction
- Product classification
- Bulk liquid storage
- Venting & emissions
- Operation & Maintenance
Day 2: Michael Conway Nunn
Oil Movements – 2
- Blending
- Transfer & handling
- Process safety in Oil Movements
- Slops management
Day 3: Michael Conway Nunn
Oil Movements – 3
- Pipelines
- Piping
- Rail & road loading
- Marine loading & discharging
- Emission mitigation
Day 4: Michael Conway Nunn
Oil Movements – 4
- ransfer & handling
- Feedstock & product movement masterplanning
Day 5: Paul van Oers
Product Quality
- Product Quality assurance
- Role of laboratory
- Product acceptance procedures
- Sampling & Sample systems
- (Bio) Product specifications & properties
The subject matters listed in the above program are merely a summary of over 54 possible modules on offer. Course curriculum can vary from 3 to 5 days with the Oil Movements content being 70% to 100% and the Product Quality portion up to 30%.